I would like to wish all of you a happy, successful and prosperous New Year!
To help you make this happen, I have a range of seminars lined up - designed to make 2010 your best year yet!
Sat Feb 20th (10am-4pm) & Sun 28th will bring the day seminar 'Clear your Clutter - Manifest your dreams!' to South Kensington.
The Wanstead Seminar series (7.30-9.30pm) restarts on Jan 12th with 'Clearing of 3D clutter', followed by 'Clearing of Paper Clutter' (Jan 19th), Clearing of Time & Electronic Clutter (Jan 26th), 'Clearing of Mental Clutter' (Part I: Feb 2nd, Part II: Feb 9th), 'Clearing of Emotional Clutter' (Part I: Feb 16th, Part II: Feb 23rd), Spiritual Clearing Inspiration (Mar 2nd) and: Feng Shui & Colours for Joyful Living! (Mar 9th).
Jan 13th and 21st will bring the clearing talks to St Johns Wood.
The Barbican library hosts my evening talk 'Clear Desk Clear Mind' on the 25th of January.
We always have lots of fun at the events, and here is what previous delegates said:
"I really enjoyed the session yesterday and I've realised that clutter comes in many disguises and what impact that has on my life. Now I feel inspired and ready to tackle the muddle and to break free! Thank you!"
"After having seen the programmes and read the books, this inspiring talk has motivated me to make a fresh start - many thanks!"
"I enjoyed our sessions so much. The most important thing I've learned, was to look beyond the superficial - in everything. And to welcome change!"
For information/booking or if you would like to book an event/speaking engagement for your group/company - I look forward to your email or phone call.
Best wishes