

You will probably agree that the problem for most of us these days is the fact that we have too many things in our lives (rather than not enough) - quite literally. How much precious time do we waste looking after objects that we do not care about in the first place? On average every one of us owns some 10 000 things, most of which we never use...

- Well, you could say, so what? But clutter causes stagnation in your life, it 'weighs you down'.

So why not treat yourself to a good clearout - and enjoy the rewards: Refresh the energy of your surroundings and yourself - out with the old and in with the new!

What is clutter?

* Things you do not use or love
* Things which are disorganised
* Anything unfinished

The clutter test - ask yourself:

Does it lift my energy when I think about it or look at it? Do I absolutely love it? Is it genuinely useful? (according to Karen Kingston, see her inspirational website: http://www.spaceclearing.com/)

How do you go about clearing?

Start with the 'easy stuff' like piles of old newspapers / magazines and gradually move on to challenging emotional clutter like presents or photographs - finally graduating to mental, emotional and spiritual clutter!

Have different boxes/bags for: charity, rubbish, returns, gifts - be inventive and come up with your own labels.

While you are clearing, be conscious what you want to invite into your life:
more friends, more peace, more abundance, a new career - whatever you wish for.

What to do with your unwanted possessions?

Give them to charity; sell them on ebay/in a car boot sale; subscribe to your local group on www.freecycle.org, an amazing website where you advertise your unwanted items for free, and someone else who can use them then comes to collect them - so you don't even have to dispose of your oldish computer/chair/large plant yourself! And someone else is happy!

If you have any questions or would like assistance with 'sorting your life out', please feel free to email: birgit@clearofclutter.com or ring me on (+44)07930983452.
Happy clearing!

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